RNC Protest Edition: Day 2

Hottpants is still recovering from a long day protesting Sunday, but we're still full of that protest spirit. So much that we want to make like Homer Simpson and rant while only wearing our skivvies. Thanks to Nerve, we can do that, and get paid for it!
Rant in Your Underwear and Win $1200!
CONTEST THEME: Film a one-minute-or-shorter video that includes someone ranting in his or her underwear.
Have something to say to George Bush? Want Kerry to talk more about
healthcare? Think there should be better toys inside boxes of Frosted
Flakes? Whatever you're angry about, the best way to get attention is
to scream like hell in your undies.
Win $500 First Place!
Win $100 Second Place
Win $100 Third Place
Win $500 Audience Award
(NOTE:this adds up to $1200 but I don't see how you can win all four)
Click Here to watch the winners of our last contest!
Don't have a video camera? Use the video feature on your digital camera or on your cell phone and email your video to us!
1. Film a one-minute-or-shorter video that includes someone ranting in his or her underwear.
2. Submit your video in any of the following formats: MPEG-1, MPEG-2,Quicktime, Windows Media, AVI, or MiniDV.
3. Label your disk, include a printed signed version of this release form and mail to:
520 Broadway, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10012
(Please note that you must label your submission disc or videotape with name, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail. Also, your video will not be returned, so please keep a copy of the original.)
1. Submissions that do not come with this release form printed-out and signed will not be considered. Among other things, this release form states that all actors in your video are 18 years old or over and have consented to appear in your video.
2. Your submission must include your name, address, email, and phone number on the disc or videotape.
3. All entries are subject to the laws of the State of New York solely, regardless of the residence of the photographer or the subject of the video.
4. All videos must be one minute or shorter in length and include someone ranting in his or her underwear.
5. The videos must be postmarked no later than September 8th, 2004.
Questions can be sent to: videocontest@nerve.com
(thanks Nichelle!)
Note: the photo above is by Dave Naz (NSFW), friend of Hottpants and the photographer behind the NSFW book Panties which is not really about panties at all, if you get our drift.